Big Integer (java.math)#

BigInteger class is used for mathematical operation which involves very big integer calculations that are outside the limit of all available primitive data types.


BigInteger A = new BigInteger();
BigInteger A;
A = BigInteger.valueOf(Number);


BigInteger A, B, C;

  • Arthimetic

    C = A.add(B);
    C = A.substract(B);
    C = A.multiply(B);
    C = A.divide(B);
    C = A.remainder(B);
  • compareTo() - returns -1, 0, 1

    int n = A.compareTo(B);
  • equals() - returns -1, 0, 1

    int n = A.equals(B);
  • isProbablePrime() - returns true/ false if nummber is prime

  • gcd() - returns gcd of 2 numbers

    C = A.gcd(B);
  • intValue() - conversion BigInter to value

    int x = A.intValue();